Our Vision


Anything you put your mind to with positive energy you can accomplish!

Pembroke Hill Equestrian vision is to bring back the old school way of equestrianism! Riders today are uneducated about the inside and out of the sport, it isn't just about showing up and jumping into the saddle. 

Many riders want to skip the most important part of the sport, building a relationship/bond with these magnificent animals. Horses are athletes that need TLC, physically and mentally everyday, the prep and after care are just as valueable if not more than being in the saddles. That is when the magical bonding is created with a rider and horse.

Our mission is to have a family oriented facility that is financially acceptable to welcome all riders to take part in the therapy of ground work to the irreplaceable friendships built thru joining our team/community. Our goal is to educated and train our clients everything from simple day care, proper grooming, bathing, clipping, braiding, mane pulling, tacking/untacking, cooling out to grazing.